Spanish Formal Commands

Grade Level(s): 9,10,11,12

Subject(s): Spanish I

Grade Level(s): 9, 10,11,12

Subject(s): Spanish I

Lesson Title: Formal Commands

Topic(s): Spanish formal commands and cooking vocabulary

Skills Targeted: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

: 50 minutes

Description: This lesson contextualizes grammar through the use of the PACE method. A recipe is used to introduce the formal command tense. Students will recognize the new tense instead of being taught the formal commands first. The students will use the recipe to hypothesize how the formal command is conjugated and used. 


1.  Authentic Spanish recipe (any can be found online or copied from a cookbook)
2.  Mandatos formales handout (attached)
3.  Pieces of paper with commands for main activity #5.

FLL Standards

Standard 1.1 Interpersonal Communication

Standard 1.2 Interpretive Communication

Standard 2.1 Practice of Culture

Standard 3.1 Reinforcement of other disciplines

Standard 4.1 Language Comparison

Illinois Learning Standards

28.A.1.a – recognize basic language patterns

28.A.1.b – respond to simple commands given in the target language

28.B.1.a – respond to and ask simple questions with prompts

28.B.1.b – imitate pronunciation

28.D.1.a – copy/write words, sentences, and phrases


After being provided with the rules of conjugating using the formal command tense, the high school Spanish I students will write a list of instructions about how to do something with a grammatical accuracy of 90%.


In the target language, the teacher will greet the class and explain the agenda for the lesson. (2 minute)

Main Activity

1.      Presentation – The teacher will pass out a recipe in the target language.  In groups, students will identify the verb being used and its infinitive form.  They will compare the infinitive form to the conjugate verb to figure out its rules of conjugation. (8 minutes)

2.      Attention – The teacher will then explain that the new tense they see is called the formal command tense. The teacher will pass out the “Mandatos formales” handout and ask the students to continue working in their groups on the first activity to see if their theory about how to conjugate the verb in the formal command tense is correct.  The teacher will go over the answers and ask the students to volunteer their theories.  Now the teacher will ask students to fill in the blanks in their notes as to when the formal command tense how the formal command is formed and when it is used. (15 minutes)

3.      Attention – Going back to the recipe, in their groups students will now try to grasp the meaning of what the directions are and act them out with a partner.  Volunteers will be asked to act out directions for the class or draw representations on the board. (10 minutes)

4.       Co-construct - The student will now break into pairs and take turns giving and acting out commands. When they are done the teacher will ask questions to check the students understanding of the concepts. (5 minutes)

5.      Co-construct – Now students will be given a command, and act it out or draw a representation on the board.  Other students will have to guess what the command is. 
(4 minutes)


The teacher will ask if there are any questions ( 1 minute )

Follow Up Lessons / Activities

Extensions - The teacher will explain that the homework for tonight is for the students to write a list of at least five commands in a how-to instructions list. The students can pick a topic to give directions. (3 minutes)


For learning – The teacher will walk around and listen in as the students practice the formal command tense orally with a partner.  The teacher will provide scaffolding and positive feedback as needed based on use of the tense and pronunciation. 

Of learning – The homework will be collected for a completion check.  It will be corrected for grammar and spelling.  The teacher will get a final understanding as to what else might need to be covered before the test. 


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